Hi there π
In this post, I'll show you how i created a draw effect for my blog logo.
Here what you will get ( you can do it basically with any svg, is really simple)
How it works
Basically we are writing our SVG using motiov.svg
_30import { motion } from "framer-motion";
_30function MotionLogo(){
_30 const [progress, setProgress] = useState(0);
_30 viewBox="0 0 331.25 326.77"
_30 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
_30 fill={"currentColor"}
_30 stroke={"currentColor"}
_30 fillOpacity: progress,
_30 transition={{ ease: "easeInOut" }}
_30 strokeDasharray="0 1"
_30 d="M0 257.25V69.51h27.89v187.74H0Zm113.5 0-48.03-87.8-1.81-5.17-2.58 5.04-19.24 25.18c-1.64-4.56-2.35-9.77-2.13-15.62.21-5.85 1.29-11.75 3.23-17.69 1.94-5.94 4.71-11.36 8.33-16.27l55.39-75.41h31.25l-58.23 75.67 66.88 112.08H113.5ZM233.15 257.25c-4.91 0-9.99-.3-15.24-.9-5.25-.6-11.67-1.81-19.24-3.62 1.63-3.01 3.59-5.89 5.88-8.65 2.28-2.75 4.99-4.93 8.13-6.52 3.14-1.59 6.73-2.13 10.78-1.61 1.55.17 2.97.3 4.26.39 1.29.09 2.8.13 4.52.13 6.02 0 11.51-1.51 16.46-4.52 4.95-3.01 8.91-7.1 11.88-12.27s4.46-11.06 4.46-17.69c0-8.09-2.17-14.8-6.52-20.14s-10.2-9.34-17.56-12.01c-7.36-2.67-15.56-4-24.6-4h-28.02v88.45h-27.63V68.99c7.14-1.38 13.77-2.47 19.88-3.29 6.11-.82 12.05-1.44 17.82-1.87 5.77-.43 11.75-.65 17.95-.65 14.8 0 27.18 2.22 37.12 6.65 9.94 4.43 17.39 10.46 22.34 18.08 4.95 7.62 7.42 16.29 7.42 26.02 0 6.2-1.72 12.83-5.17 19.88-3.44 7.06-8.35 12.61-14.72 16.66l-7.49 3.62 7.23 1.81c6.37 2.84 11.9 6.54 16.59 11.1 4.69 4.56 8.31 9.75 10.85 15.56 2.54 5.81 3.81 12.07 3.81 18.79s-1.4 13.26-4.2 19.88c-2.8 6.63-6.82 12.65-12.07 18.08-5.25 5.42-11.67 9.77-19.24 13.04-7.58 3.27-16.14 4.91-25.7 4.91Zm-44.8-111.04h28.02c7.83 0 14.61-1.42 20.34-4.26 5.72-2.84 10.14-6.69 13.24-11.56 3.1-4.86 4.65-10.35 4.65-16.46 0-5.34-1.42-10.27-4.26-14.78-2.84-4.52-7.08-8.13-12.72-10.85-5.64-2.71-12.72-4.07-21.24-4.07-4.65 0-9.32.13-14.01.39-4.69.26-9.36.65-14.01 1.16v60.43Z"
The animation is pretty easy, we are just changing two properties: fillOpacity and pathLength
Note that the value of fillOpacity and pathLength must be between 0
and 1
PLayground: play with the fill opacity and path length
You may have noticed that in my case the logo path is fully written
with a Path length of 0.43.
If you try with other SVG the value may be different.
The real path length is not between 0 and 1, but in my case is 2123 units.
We don't need to know the realPathLength of our path because motion-framer handle this for us.
For a more detailed explanation of the code, check out the Framer Motion docs.
This is a basic example of how to animate SVG with Framer Motion, but you can do much more with it.
I just wanted to share how i did it for my logo, and maybe inspire you to try it out.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me on twitter.
For reference here's the code of the SVG displayed as example at the top of this post
import { motion } from "framer-motion";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
export default function AnimateSvgLogoSlider() {
const [progress, setProgress] = useState(100);
const [isRunning, setIsRunning] = useState(false);
const togglePlay = () => {
const animationDuration = 3000;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
setProgress((progress) => progress + 1);
}, animationDuration / 100);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
<div className="flex flex-row justify-center items-center">
<Logo progress={progress / 100} />
<div className=" w-full flex flex-row gap-3 items-center">
onChange={(e) => setProgress(parseInt(e.target.value))}
className="range range-error"
className={clsx("btn btn-square", {
d="M5.25 5.653c0-.856.917-1.398 1.667-.986l11.54 6.348a1.125 1.125 0 010 1.971l-11.54 6.347a1.125 1.125 0 01-1.667-.985V5.653z"
function Logo(props: LogoProps) {
const { progress = 0.1 } = props;
viewBox="0 0 331.25 326.77"
animate={{ fillOpacity: progress, pathLength: progress }}
transition={{ ease: "easeInOut" }}
d="M0 257.25V69.51h27.89v187.74H0Zm113.5 0-48.03-87.8-1.81-5.17-2.58 5.04-19.24 25.18c-1.64-4.56-2.35-9.77-2.13-15.62.21-5.85 1.29-11.75 3.23-17.69 1.94-5.94 4.71-11.36 8.33-16.27l55.39-75.41h31.25l-58.23 75.67 66.88 112.08H113.5ZM233.15 257.25c-4.91 0-9.99-.3-15.24-.9-5.25-.6-11.67-1.81-19.24-3.62 1.63-3.01 3.59-5.89 5.88-8.65 2.28-2.75 4.99-4.93 8.13-6.52 3.14-1.59 6.73-2.13 10.78-1.61 1.55.17 2.97.3 4.26.39 1.29.09 2.8.13 4.52.13 6.02 0 11.51-1.51 16.46-4.52 4.95-3.01 8.91-7.1 11.88-12.27s4.46-11.06 4.46-17.69c0-8.09-2.17-14.8-6.52-20.14s-10.2-9.34-17.56-12.01c-7.36-2.67-15.56-4-24.6-4h-28.02v88.45h-27.63V68.99c7.14-1.38 13.77-2.47 19.88-3.29 6.11-.82 12.05-1.44 17.82-1.87 5.77-.43 11.75-.65 17.95-.65 14.8 0 27.18 2.22 37.12 6.65 9.94 4.43 17.39 10.46 22.34 18.08 4.95 7.62 7.42 16.29 7.42 26.02 0 6.2-1.72 12.83-5.17 19.88-3.44 7.06-8.35 12.61-14.72 16.66l-7.49 3.62 7.23 1.81c6.37 2.84 11.9 6.54 16.59 11.1 4.69 4.56 8.31 9.75 10.85 15.56 2.54 5.81 3.81 12.07 3.81 18.79s-1.4 13.26-4.2 19.88c-2.8 6.63-6.82 12.65-12.07 18.08-5.25 5.42-11.67 9.77-19.24 13.04-7.58 3.27-16.14 4.91-25.7 4.91Zm-44.8-111.04h28.02c7.83 0 14.61-1.42 20.34-4.26 5.72-2.84 10.14-6.69 13.24-11.56 3.1-4.86 4.65-10.35 4.65-16.46 0-5.34-1.42-10.27-4.26-14.78-2.84-4.52-7.08-8.13-12.72-10.85-5.64-2.71-12.72-4.07-21.24-4.07-4.65 0-9.32.13-14.01.39-4.69.26-9.36.65-14.01 1.16v60.43Z"